Breaking up with someone is never easy, but there are certain approaches that can make the process even more painful for both parties involved. Whether it's through text, ghosting, or even public humiliation, there are several ways to end a relationship that are considered the worst of the worst. In this article, we'll explore the 11 worst ways to break up with someone, and why they should be avoided at all costs.

So you've decided to end things with your partner, but before you resort to any drastic measures, let's talk about the breakup methods you should definitely avoid. From ghosting to breaking up over text, there are plenty of ways to handle a breakup that are just plain terrible. Instead, consider having an open and honest conversation with your partner about your feelings. For more tips on navigating the world of dating and relationships, check out this comparison of two popular dating sites.

The Text Message Breakup

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One of the most common and disrespectful ways to end a relationship is through a text message. This method lacks any form of empathy and can leave the other person feeling hurt and confused. It's important to have a face-to-face conversation when ending a relationship, as it allows for closure and the opportunity to ask questions.

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Ghosting is another terrible way to break up with someone. This involves suddenly cutting off all communication with the other person, leaving them feeling abandoned and rejected. It's important to have the courage to have a conversation and explain your reasons for ending the relationship, rather than just disappearing without a word.

Public Humiliation

Breaking up with someone in a public setting, such as at a party or social event, is extremely embarrassing and hurtful. This type of breakup can lead to feelings of shame and humiliation for the person being dumped. It's important to have some empathy and consideration for the other person's feelings, and choose a private setting for the breakup.

Through a Friend

Ending a relationship through a friend is a cowardly way to avoid facing the other person. This method lacks any form of accountability and can make the other person feel disrespected and devalued. It's important to have the courage to have a direct conversation and take responsibility for your decision to end the relationship.


Ending a relationship by cheating on the other person is extremely hurtful and damaging. This type of breakup can lead to feelings of betrayal and trust issues for the person being cheated on. It's important to have the integrity to end a relationship before pursuing someone else, rather than causing unnecessary pain and heartache.

Through Social Media

Breaking up with someone through social media, such as a public post or message, is extremely impersonal and disrespectful. This method lacks any form of empathy and can make the other person feel humiliated and degraded. It's important to have a private conversation and show some respect for the other person's feelings.

Ignoring Their Feelings

Ending a relationship without acknowledging the other person's feelings is extremely hurtful and dismissive. This type of breakup can lead to feelings of rejection and worthlessness for the person being dumped. It's important to have the empathy to listen to the other person's perspective and validate their emotions, rather than just dismissing them.

Blaming Them

Ending a relationship by placing all the blame on the other person is unfair and hurtful. This type of breakup can lead to feelings of guilt and self-doubt for the person being dumped. It's important to take responsibility for your own feelings and actions, and have an honest conversation about why the relationship is ending.

Using Insults

Ending a relationship by insulting the other person is cruel and unnecessary. This type of breakup can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity for the person being insulted. It's important to have the maturity to have a respectful conversation and avoid resorting to hurtful language and behavior.

Manipulation and Gaslighting

Ending a relationship through manipulation and gaslighting is abusive and damaging. This type of breakup can lead to feelings of confusion and self-doubt for the person being manipulated. It's important to have the integrity to end a relationship with honesty and transparency, rather than resorting to manipulative tactics.

Avoiding Closure

Ending a relationship without providing closure can leave the other person feeling unresolved and confused. This type of breakup can lead to feelings of abandonment and uncertainty for the person being dumped. It's important to have the compassion to have a final conversation and allow both parties to express their feelings and thoughts before moving on.

In conclusion, there are several ways to end a relationship that are considered the worst of the worst. Whether it's through text, ghosting, or public humiliation, it's important to have the empathy and integrity to end a relationship with respect and consideration for the other person's feelings. By avoiding these 11 worst ways to break up with someone, you can ensure a more compassionate and dignified end to a relationship.